Eating green is only the first step to having an eco-friendly kitchen. A genuinely sustainable kitchen requires energy-efficient food preparation, green cleaning routines, the use of sustainable materials and avoiding of toxic chemicals.
With more and more awareness being put on how to reverse and reduce effects that the human overconsumption has created, we should be turning to practices that are eco friendly and sustainable.
Many people are not aware that they don’t need to make a dramatic shift in their lifestyle, like ditching electricity completely, going totally zero waste or stop buying new clothes (even though you can if you want to :), for their actions to make a difference.
As a matter of fact, there are several simple changes you may take toward a more environmentally friendly lifestyle.
One approach is to pay great attention to the way you purchase, prepare, cook, and store food and beverages.
Also, there are a variety of environmentally friendly kitchen items that may make a big difference. Detecting products and solutions that eliminate the need for plastic wrap and paper waste is a good place to start:
- Find alternatives to paper towels and napkins
- Start using organic and reusable food wraps
- Silicone stretchy lids for bowls
- Reusable food bags
- Use canning jars for all food-storage needs
- Replace single-use plastic produce bags with reusable ones
- Bamboo or wooden to-go utensils
- Eco-friendly dishwashing soaps
- Bamboo dish scrubber
- Vegetable oil-based dish washing soap block
- Biodegradable detergent pods for the dishwasher
- A stainless steel recycling kitchen trash can
- Wooden chopping boards
- Ceramic pots and pans
- Invest in energy-efficient electric appliances
- Start composting
It is also important to remember that consuming local and seasonal food saves energy in transportation and refrigeration, and it also reduces the waste of packaging.